Carlo Aquino: Subverting the Loveteam Trope 

If you don't know Carlo Aquino, well, you're missing out on a truly versatile Filipino actor. With over 85 acting credits to his name, Carlo is a force to be reckoned with, romantic films notwithstanding.

In an industry where local actors are lumped together as “loveteam” in every project, Carlo stands out. He’s been paired with many actresses and yet, he doesn’t lose himself. 

Instead, he complements his leading ladies. He’s not one to overshadow, but he never loses sight of what he’s meant to do. 

His romantic dramas showcase that his take on acting is, more often than not, very character-driven. He's not just the charming leading man; he's an actor who injects gravitas into every role he portrays. He makes sure to breathe life into his characters to make them leap off the screen.  This authenticity has allowed him to stand out in a landscape often saturated with predictable romantic plots and stereotypical characters.

Below we take a closer look at some of his standout romantic movies that showcase his range and commitment to storytelling:

1. Exes Baggage, 2018, with Angelica Panganiban

In Exes Baggage, Carlo plays a former flame who crosses paths with his ex (Angelica Panganiban) after years apart. The film explores the complexities of love and the journey to healing old wounds. Carlo’s portrayal adds depth to his character, turning what could have been a run-of-the-mill romcom into an emotionally charged narrative.

2. Meet Me in St Gallen, 2018, with Bella Padilla

Carlo Aquino stars alongside Bella Padilla in Meet Me in St Gallen, set in Switzerland. In this movie, Carlo brings a fully fleshed out character, one with his own unique problems and quirks. Carlo’s palpable chemistry with Bella Padilla is something critics have also pointed as one of the stronger points of the film.

3. Ulan, 2019, with Nadine Lustre

Ulan is not your typical romantic film. Carlo's character plays a significant role in helping Nadine Lustre’s Maya overcome past heartaches associated with the rain. The film's unique approach to storytelling and Carlo's ability to breathe life into the narrative show his willingness to challenge traditional romantic narratives.

4. Isa Pa with Feelings 2019, with Maine Mendoza

Here, Carlo takes on a role that's not just about romantic chemistry, but also about connection and communication. Co-starring Maine Mendoza, Carlo studied Filipino sign language before filming to authentically convey his character of a deaf person. In turn, his portrayal was poignant and multifaceted, proving actions do speak louder than words. This film breaks away from the norm, highlighting a relationship that's built on shared experiences and understanding.

5. Seasons 2023, with Lovi Poe

In this Netflix movie, Carlo takes a refreshing approach to the romcom genre. Carlo's chemistry with Lovi Poe creates a dynamic that explores the line between friendship and romance. This film adds yet another layer to Carlo's already diverse filmography.

Carlo Aquino’s new movie Third World Romance looks to be another departure from conventional romantic dramas. Set against a blue-collar backdrop, the story follows an outspoken cashier (played by Carlo’s real life girlfriend Charlie Dizon) and a laidback grocery bagger navigating the challenges of their world. The everyday struggles they experience adds a layer of relatability that is sure to resonate with audiences. Third World Romance will be featured as Cinemalaya 2023’s closing film and will be shown in cinemas nationwide starting August 16. 

By choosing projects that challenge the norms and which delve into more profound aspects of relationships, Carlo Aquino continues to defy expectations. With each film, he breaks down the barriers of formulaic romcoms and offers audiences a glimpse into the complexities of human connection. As he takes on new projects, we can only anticipate the fresh perspectives he'll bring to the table, redefining what it means to be an actor in the Philippine film industry.


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